Sales Impact and Call Coaching

Learn to listen, present, invite, and serve

How you present solutions and handle objections Matters!

At GOAT Dental Marketing Consultants, we help train your team members to identify all the different ways your services can be the solution to as many problems as they can discover. We know, ‘Sales,’ is often a negative buzz word in dentistry. The reality is that SALES is not a form of manipulation, but in more simple terms, the way you present your services as the solution others desire enough to act upon.

Here is a simple daily example we use to help you see the true value of properly selling your services:

Scenario: Parent is tired after a long day and is ready to start the bedtime routine. Watch how the parent “Sells” the idea of an earlier bedtime routine to the child.

Parent: “Ok. This was so much fun! Please go brush your teeth before bed.”

Child: “NO! I Don’t want to brush my teeth yet! I want to keep playing with you!”

Parent: “I know, but it’s been a very long day, and I want us to get some rest and for people to see your beautiful smile that I love so much!”

Child: “I don’t want to go to bed or brush my teeth!”

Parent: “Well, I think it needs to be bedtime tonight, and I don’t want your teeth to fall out because you didn’t brush them.

Child: “I don’t want to brush my teeth and I don’t want to go to bed!”

Parent: “Well, it is bedtime, so can we brush our teeth together at the same time? Would that be fun?”

Child: “Yeah! I’ll get my toothbrush!”

Outcome: Parent gets to go to bed early, and child gets a few extra minutes with the parent. Both parties got what they wanted and so they took the next step, TOGETHER! Was this manipulation? Did the parent do anything that was detrimental to the child? No. The parent skillfully closed a sale by reframing and inviting time and time again. 

Call it anything you want, but a sale was just made. An idea was presented that would be a benefit to both parties involved. So then why are we so afraid to call what we do a, “Sales interaction?” The child didn’t see it as a benefit initially, so the parent restructured the invitation a few times until they were aligned for both to receive their desired outcome. 

In every interaction, a sale is made. You either help the other person see a valuable solution worth considering, or you buy their ideas(ie. excuses)as to why they are not going to do what you recommend.

Although it is obvious that a parent should love and respect their children, we can relate this to every interaction we make at work, regardless of the industry. We wish to succeed in business, but sometimes fail to see certain things as they plainly are. We tend to overthink things at times. Let’s break it down into simple terms:

First, we must listen to a prospective patient/customer/client or inquiring individual’s needs.

Once we know the desired outcome is aligned with what we have to offer…

Second, we present the recommended and most natural solution with an invitation to take the next step. 

If a the prospect objects, and we fail to identify a new way to present the desired outcome, then the sale is lost. But, if we can identify additional information that is favorable to a desired outcome, then…

Last, we can present the new solution and circle back and invite them to take the next step. 

That is it! There will always be objections when we present our available solutions, but if we are prepared then we will already know how to repeat the Sales Cycle. Not everyone we meet will move forward to their desired outcome, but the more you prepare for the various scenarios you will face, the more often you will see successful and mutually beneficial outcomes. 

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Dental Team Members Trained
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Average NP Conversion % Nationwide
0 %
Average NP Conversion rate AFTER GOAT DMC training
0 %+
team training video calls

General Verbiage and objections

Schedule us to conduct a recurring full team training to help with more generalized verbiage and language to get your team members all speaking the same language. 

On these semi-monthly calls we address things such as:

  • Customer Service Etiquette
  • Call Answering Scripts
  • Call Handling Best Practices
  • How to Place Callers on Hold
  • Proven Sales Strategies
  • Overcoming Common Objections
  • Role Plays for Immediate Implementation
Dental Practice Growth, Jake Goates, Heber City, UT Goat Dental Marketing Consultants Dental Marketing for Dentists. GOAT DMC. Expert dental marketing consulting for patient acquisition, retention, practice growth. Get expert dental marketing consulting for patient acquisition and retention. Specialized strategies for dental practices. Call 435-513-0721.
Dental Practice Growth, Jake Goates, Heber City, UT Goat Dental Marketing Consultants Dental Marketing for Dentists. GOAT DMC. Expert dental marketing consulting for patient acquisition, retention, practice growth. Get expert dental marketing consulting for patient acquisition and retention. Specialized strategies for dental practices. Call 435-513-0721.
Dental Practice Growth, Jake Goates, Heber City, UT Goat Dental Marketing Consultants Dental Marketing for Dentists. GOAT DMC. Expert dental marketing consulting for patient acquisition, retention, practice growth. Get expert dental marketing consulting for patient acquisition and retention. Specialized strategies for dental practices. Call 435-513-0721.
One On One training

Hyper-focused and personalized coaching

GOAT Dental Marketing Consultants will rotate through each member of your team one by one for personalized training needs. Schedule your team members to receive a customized training session with action items and a follow up call so we can help hold them accountable to their goals and progress.  

On these semi-monthly calls we address things such as:

  • Sounding “Dead” on the Phone – Tonality
  • Transition phrases
  • Not Following Your Established Scripts or Processes.
  • Specific Objections That Are Holding Them Back
  • Proven Relationship Sales Strategies and Verbiage
A Video Call won't cut it? need more hands-on?
request a two Day On-Site training inside your practice

Sometimes you just need a face to face with more attention to detail and personal interaction. GOAT Dental Marketing Consultants are available to visit your office in person to shadow your team members, conduct real-time observance and private one on one training sessions for a day and half. Use this time to order in a team lunch where everyone can benefit from our expert’s visit to your office, while spending other time throughout their visit doing quick and impactful mini and memorable training sessions while you are producing revenue with your patient load. 

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